Conspiracy Theories
Message From Rose
July 19th, 2024
“People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.” Andy Rooney
When we obsess over half proven or unproven theories we are engaging in harmful conduct. There is danger in speculation and in drawing conclusions without the necessary facts. It seems there are so many people who are quick to make assumptions. I understand that we live in a world with leaders and bureaucrats that are anything but truthful. But are we, as Christians to look for and propagate conspiracies? The question we have to ask is - are these theories based on facts or are they something that allows us to have our ears tickled?
People who regularly engage in this behavior refuse to accept evidence to the contrary to what is actually going on around them. There is a need to feel that their “community of thought” is superior to others. I understand that some are seeking to provide clarity, but the concern is that they instead, turn to conspiracy to fulfill some need to make sense of a situation. I would even venture to say that today with social media and the need to feel important (because of how many likes/shares you receive from a post) it is what propels people to present the most ridiculous of claims. Their desperate need to feel important, to know something before anyone else does – is what motivates them to engage in something as Christians we are forbidden to do.
The Bible warns us very strongly against this behavior. Isaiah was warned not to follow the sins of Judah – not to fear threats that are real or imagined. We are to find safety, and wisdom from the Lord, not from our imaginations. We are also told in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we are to be “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. Why? Because it doesn’t allow room for truth when we are full of imaginations. When we engage, we are no longer focused on truth seeking. Sometimes a very important truth is missed because we have allowed ourselves to be caught up in imaginations.
After the attempted assassination of former President Trump, the internet and friend groups and social media were rampant with “conspiracy theories”. To be fair – they were coming from both political parties. On the left there were some that denied this even happened. On the right there were theories that cast aspersions on just about everyone and everything imaginable.
Here is just one example of how damaging this can be: The “theories” on who was at fault for the horrific assassination attempt at the Trump Rally in Butler Pennsylvania put blame on everyone; the police, the Secret Service, people in the stands, staff – the list goes on. And while there is certainly enough blame to go around – beginning with the Secret Service staffing – there are so many theories out there that were hurtful to the absolutely innocent.
I offer one example; Someone on X (Twitter) posted a picture of the crowd in the bleachers behind Trump that was taken immediately after shots were fired. Most people in the bleachers took cover. A few people were just standing - probably wondering what the heck just happened. Unless you have been in a situation like this – you have no concept of how confusing the moments right after that type of an event can be. I was once on a bus that went through a building. None of the survivors understood what happened. We were dazed. I personally thought only two things at the time – why don’t buses have seatbelts, and I really love my mom. Nothing to do with what just happened. Events like these play havoc with you.
Back to the picture of the crowd that one conspiracy theorist posted to her X account; she circled the image of a man who just stood there after the shots. He had on a black hat, had wildly curly black hair, and wore all black. In her post, she drew a circle around the man in the hat and wrote; “Notice the man in the black hat is the only one who doesn’t move while shots are being fired. ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS!” Seriously?
You can imagine my surprise when I looked at the “man in the black hat” and recognized him! His name is Vincent. He attends every single political event in Pennsylvania. He drives a Trump Van. He is well known all over the state as a huge supporter of Trump. He is a kind man, a reserved man, and mostly a curious man. Because this X poster wanted likes and posts and shares – which she got - she posted it without any facts, or any proof that he was something other than he was – an innocent bystander. It went viral. This woman put a target on Vincent. People commented with all types of awful responses. All because of a conspiracy theory. And even though many of us tried to explain that she posted vile misinformation – she has to this day kept it up. Because hey – she feels important – after all, look how many likes and shares she got.
You might say, yeah, I known him, or yeah, I’d never promote that kind of thing, but no matter what conspiracy we are pushing, sharing, engaging in – it is not what God has for us. We are all guilty of this. But we should not be.
I asked Psychologist Dr Murphy: Why do people engage in conspiracy theories? His answer: “The concept of cognitive dissidence means we seek and believe information that supports our view of the world, we don’t like information that disrupts that. If we believe the media has a bias, we are more likely to believe anything that supports that theory. That unfortunately traps us into not questioning what we hear. We will see things that support our belief in the world. We want to put something into a category in our brains so that we can process it. Mathew 6:21 ‘For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Jesus was warning us to be careful where our focus is.’ Let’s pause. Watch and listen. Seek truth and you will find it. Because ultimately it should always be about truth.”
He is so right. I think that we forget when we engage in conspiracy theories that we have received a firm warning from the Lord; Proverbs 19:5 “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall not escape.” Unless something is a fact – you are bearing false witness, whether it is against Vincent, or anyone else with which you have no facts to back up your theories.
Vincent is the face (with a black hat) of what happens when we theorize. We must speak truth only! We have no right to do otherwise.
When we face these uncertain times – and they seem to be abundant – our first “go to” should be God. Asking God what do I need to know about this situation? How do you want me to process this? James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” This verse is about wisdom and guidance, and it should serve to remind us of the importance of asking God to show us His views, His perspective, and His standards.