His Story
Message From Rose
How often do we wonder why a particular thing is happening in our life or in the life of someone we care about? How often do we question God and His will when going through that difficult time? If we are honest, we would acknowledge that what we are really saying is “this isn’t how I would handle this sickness, this disease, this job loss….” Basically, we are saying; I would write this story differently than God.
Isaiah, speaking for God in Isaiah 46:10: “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Wow. Sounds like what my mother would say to me when I questioned her decision on something; “I don’t have to tell you why – it’s because I’m your mother - that’s why.”
In that passage from Isaiah God is reminding His people that He doesn’t have to explain. He has a purpose and because He is God, He will do what He pleases. I think it is interesting that He also wants His people to remember everything He has done. No one else has done what He has done. Only Him! We can’t even imagine the vastness of this proclamation. If it weren’t coming from HE, who created all things, He who was here before all things, we would think these were words of a megalomaniac. The definition of which is someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, who thinks they are more important and powerful than they really are. And here is the irony; those of us who question God’s direction or decisions WE are in fact the megalomaniacs.
He really is “all that” by the very nature of who He is. On the subject of megalomania; John 19:9-11 “and he (Pontius Pilate) went back inside the palace. “Where do you come from?” he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. “Do you refuse to speak to me” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above...”
Pontius Pilate held a very high position. He was, after all, the Roman governor of Judea. In verse 10, Pilate was actually boasting to the Son of God of his authority to release or crucify Him. But Jesus knowing full well where He came from replied, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above.” Jesus knew who it was that had written even His story. Pilate would have no authority over Him unless God himself had written it into the script. Do we need any further proof of divine authority? Jesus subjected Himself to Pilate’s authority, not because Pilate held authority over him, but rather Jesus was obedient to God’s story.
In the passage from Isaiah that I referred to above, God uses the phrase “from ancient times”. It reminded me of the description “Ancient of Days” first appearing in Daniel 7:9 where Daniel has a vision of heaven; “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat”. A reminder that God existed before time. In Isaiah 43:13 God refers to Himself as here from ancient of days; “Yes, and from ancient days I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”. Before days were – He was. He is in total control. Period. I love referring to him as the Ancient of Days. He was here for the past, present and future. That is so powerful.
Who is like Him? This puts me in such awe of Him. Whatever it is you are going through, remember it is God who has written this particular chapter in your life. I often think about my mother who was only 48 years old when she died. I couldn’t imagine how this lovely and kind woman could be taken from us while we and she were so young. It made no sense at all. Looking back, I can see how that chapter played an important part in the lives of all four of her daughters. For one thing; as a result of that loss, we all committed our lives to Jesus. I’m sure that loss played a huge part in who we all are today. No doubt there were other reasons God had. How could I possibly even to begin to know or understand His sovereign will in that? Someday I believe we will understand all things – and honestly at that point it probably won’t even matter.
It’s just that I don’t believe even those of us who strive to know Him, can fully behold all that He is, and what His great master plan is. But it is our faith that makes up for the gap in what we learn of Him and what we will someday fully know of Him. This is where our trust comes in. This is where we say – I don’t fully understand what you are doing here today – but I trust that it is part of the story that you have already written for me before I came to be.
Friends, He is the writer of your story. Consider the author of a book - how do you suppose he would react to you re-writing his story? To tell him the way you would prefer his story unfold. It would be an insult. If you were to stop him and question the direction of his book before you knew how he intended to end it – would that not be presumptuous?
Let God write your story. Trust Him with it. Push yourself through the difficult chapters. They are there for a reason. A reason that may or may not be revealed to us in this life. He really is just too big to question and doubt. It is after all His story. Not ours.
“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.” Psalm 138:8. Our powerful, all knowing, deeply loving God has not closed the book and left it unfinished. No! He is still writing our story. Spoiler alert – for all who believe – the ending is magnificent.
This message dedicated to my dear friend Luanne who has shown amazing strength, faith, and love through a difficult chapter.