• Please do me a favor and subscribe to this channel. Follow it and share it. The epicenter of global news is not DC, not Beijing, not San Paulo. It is Jerusalem

    The world is waiting to see what is going on with Israel 

    Do the Jews feel they have to fight for their very


    Hibbs: “I still believe this -It is still true that a nation

    that blesses Israel that nation will be blessed.”

    What it would mean to turn our back on Israel

     Have we as a nation insulted God? God is leaving it up to us to bring healing to our nation. Find out how…. 

    The only answer for America will not come from the White House or State House…

    Will the Lord stay His hand of judgement? 

    Where is your hope? Is it something certain?

    Hibbs Revelation Series; End time events


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    Guest Peter Navarro; Former Trump Aide and Author of the new book, "The New Maga Deal"

    Just out of prison Peter Navarro reflects on his time there, why he had to go, and what's next. For him. For country.


    “Prison is no country for old men”. “I went to prison in defense of executive privilege, The Constitution, and the separation of powers. My appeal of this case is going to the Supreme Court."

    “It is not safe on the front lines. You go there because it's your duty to go there. You do it for the country and that’s why you’re a patriot. The president just took a literal bullet and I took a figurative one in prison.”

    100 ACTIONS IN 100 DAYS

    Peter explains “IRON TRIANGLE MAGA”

    • Strong Manufacturing base • Border Security

    • End to Endless Wars

    To order Peter's book:


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  • On Christianity: How and why the Christian culture should be playing a bigger role in today’s society. The left has many megaphones. There is a desperate need for us to have a megaphone.
    The church is a mechanism in which to get valuable information out. How spirituality played big roles in our culture and history.

    The disturbing surprise of the police state is discussed.

    Collusion without conspiracy. How it occurs. Journalism is in decline. You’d think there would be a reexamination. Our institutions are far more fragile than we thought.

    What does it mean to be “wise as serpents”? What does it involve? It is a difficult exercise.
    Those who think that they are realists, mature, adults, they are the most diluted. (Even within
    the Republican Party)

  • “The Mothers of a country mold its citizens, determine its institutions, and shape its destiny” Mathew Vassar

    Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of “Moms For America” Joins Rose Unplugged to discuss the upward battle moms’ face raising children today and how that battle can be won.

    Connecting Moms across the country is key to building solidarity with those who are facing a collective challenge. Whether it is the challenges at school board meetings, reading materials that are not age appropriate, or the ongoing threat of a loss of liberty for all.

    Raising patriots in the home is key to a better future. We want our children to live and experience a life in liberty as we have. More info on 20 Year Gala with: John Rich, Jim Caviezel, Dr Ben Carson, Abby Johnson, and Rose Unplugged will be among those speaking.



  • "Turks and Caicos is basically the North Korea of the Caribbean Islands” Rep ReschenthalerBryan Hagerich was arrested in Turks and Caicos in February after airport security found ammunition in his luggage.Under the islands’ law, he faced a minimum 12-year prison sentence. Rep. Reschenthaler and other members of Congress, traveled to the islands to advocate for Bryan’s release and four other Americans.
    Crickets from the State Department. 76 days detained before Bryan heard from the State Department and when he did - they victim shamedThe story isn’t over. Bryan made it out – but there are others now and no doubt to come.
    Americans are being targeted and singled out - detainees from other countries not treated the same. Internal political pressure on the Island with a campaign to crackdown on Americans. Hear why.
    The story isn't over. Bryan made it out - but there are others still there and no doubt more to come

  • Do we need to ready ourselves for the Bird Flu Virus?

    Could this create a food shortage?

    The WHO Pandemic Treaty impending. WHO pandemic reforms to be voted on by WHO Member States at the ⁠77th World Health Assembly⁠ (WHA)

    On COVID: Not just the COVID vaccine that does damage BUT, the very virus itself can. Hear why this could be an issue. Preventative procedures are discussed along with cocktail to fend off long covid offered.

    Vast majority of academic physicians who produce the

    medical manuscripts start from a pro-vaccine position, therefore there is publication bias.


The Dr. Ed Show

Welcome to Health and wellness with Dr. Ed. Here is where you learn to live healthy and happy – in all aspects of life. Politics, Nutrition, Preventative Health measures – anything and everything that could affect your well being will be discussed in this podcast. Be prepared to begin your journey to a healthier you!

The Boomer Effect

“The Boomer Effect” takes a look at generations that came before and after us in an effort to understand our differences and establish common ground. All durable and long-lasting civilizations have one thing in common; they respect the wisdom of their elders and do not mock it. Yes Boomers made mistakes- but we got a lot right as well. Part of getting it right is extending what we've learned to Generation Z, and Millennials. The great depression gave us a post World War II generation of adults determined to give their children everything that they didn't have. Maybe that was a mistake…

Unquenchable Hope

Holding on to hope in a world bent on stealing it. Christian writers and speakers Luanne Botta and Mary Ann Crum discuss how God, His Word, and His Grace can give us the hope needed to get through whatever we face.  Real conversation, sprinkled with humor and honesty.