Living Without Fear of the Future
Rose and Joie Miller discuss the strength of the Proverbial Woman; Proverbs 31:25;
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come”.
How do we prepare for what many feel are significant days to come in 2025?
Opportunities for growth, outreach, and revival. Within and without.
The unique challenges facing women every day and how to surmount them are also discussed in this episode.
More info on Joie Miller: https://joiemiller.co and https://championcenter.comPlease
Gregg Jarrett discusses the complete and total meltdown of lawfare waged against Trump. Gregg also discusses the Laken Riley case & the trial against Daniel Penny.
Cases like Laken Riley demonstrate why we must aggressively enforce the law.
Denver’s Mayor and the Governor of Illinois vow to actively stop Trump Administration from arresting people who are here illegally. Gregg believes they can be arrested, prosecuted convicted and imprisoned and weighs in on whether or not we will see this happen.* Daniel Penny is on trial for protecting passengers from a lunatic on a subway. The case should never have been brought against Penny. Fairness and justice have nothing to do with this trial. Bragg is happy to protect career criminals. He is a Soros funded progressive DA.
*Jack Smith: U.S. special counsel Jack Smith requested to drop the federal election interference case against Trump. Americans had final say on Jack Smith’s misbegotten Trump prosecutions.
This interview was done when Pastor Greg Laurie joined Rose when she was filling in for Hannity. Greg believes we can and should hope for a spiritual revival. He sees drops of promising signs of another spiritual awakening. How do we play a part in it? “If you preach to hurting people you will never lack an audience” Lift up your eyes and look – the harvest is great.
There is a revival right now among young people especially young men. They are finding in Christianity what they are not finding in their culture. Like calls to responsibility, sacrifice and leadership, according to a story in Christianity Today.
Are people sick of the woke ideology to the point of discovering their faith? We all want to see America healed and there is a path toward that healing. Revivals have played a big part in our history – influenced some of the biggest events in this country. Spirituality has long been the foundation of America. George Whitfield inspired and spoke to tens of thousands without a mic. We are all more than capable to help fill the needs of others.
Greg Laurie is the pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. For more info: www.harvest.org
Pressing into 2025: Pastor Jack explains why he believes there is an air of optimism surrounding us as we head into this new year.
Abraham Lincoln’s disappointments and struggles eventually led to great success. We too have been hurdling disappointments – but there is a new day coming and 2025
looks like it may hold that day, Get your GPS from God
Pastor Jack has a Trinity of Heroes - People who were used tremendously by God: Lincoln, Washington and Samuel Adams – he explains why.There ism a revival among Young People searching for truth. Youth are tired of being lied to. Many others have gone through struggles and growth recently. But that was for a purpose. Romans 8:18: "I consider thatour present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 28:And we know that in all things God works for the goodof those who love him, who[i]have been calledaccording to his purpose." What God does regarding those who love Him.
Join Jack and over a million others January 1st: LIFT
Daily Prayer: 5–10 minutes each day. Believers from around the world unite in prayer! What to Expect: Daily prayers that are rooted in Scripture for mercy, grace, healing, peace, guidance, and strength. Interactive participation: Leave your prayer requests and join in as we pray for each other. How to Get Involved: www.jackhibbs.com Facebook: Jack Hibbs
(look for verification)
** This interview first aired when Rose sat in for Hannity Dec. 30th 2024..
DRONES: What are they? Whose Are They?; Foreign, American, Non State Actors?
Rose is Joined by Luis (Lue) Elizondo, Author of “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs”, and Former Head of the Pentagon program responsible for the investigation of UFOs/UAPs.
Their conversation begins with drones spotted over NJ, and across the Mid-Atlantic. Also spotted near military facilities. Not national security risk - so says the White House.
Drones easily weaponized. All it takes is a nonstate actor to use for nefarious purposes.
Retired Air Force Brigadier General Rob Spalding has said that drones are “a problem that has been brewing for over a decade and we have basically failed to address it.”
The DoD, DHS, FBI, and FAA, issued a joint statement. We “urge Congress to enact counter-UAS legislation when it reconvenes that would extend and expand existing counter-drone authorities to identify and mitigate any threat that may emerge.”Shouldn’t SOMEONE be engaged in countering drones? Why did Sen. Rand Paul block legislation mid-December that would have given state and local authorities more power to track the aircraft? Spy Balloons: A U.S. State Department document statment.
Crashed UFO recovered by the US military 'distorted space
2025 will bring more info! Are there UFOs or AUPs in our Governments hands?
Aliens, Hostile Countries, or Spiritual beings??
**This interview was done when Rose sat in for Sean Hannity 12/30/24
Pastor and Author Phil Hotsenpiller of Influence Church California Joins Rose.
Are we at the height of arrogance? Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Why the flood? Was it about more than sin., or was it a total disregard for God, and Demonic influence?
Man created in image of God is a reminder of what Satan couldn’t have -
So Satan attacks the image of God – hear how in this episode. He's at it again with transhumanism. How much does this affect the times we are living in?
GEN 6: Spirits propagated with humans What is the parallel to today? Today, there is moral decay, transhumanism and demonic influence as in the days of Noah.
Other Voices
Welcome to Health and wellness with Dr. Ed. Here is where you learn to live healthy and happy – in all aspects of life. Politics, Nutrition, Preventative Health measures – anything and everything that could affect your well being will be discussed in this podcast. Be prepared to begin your journey to a healthier you!
“The Boomer Effect” takes a look at generations that came before and after us in an effort to understand our differences and establish common ground. All durable and long-lasting civilizations have one thing in common; they respect the wisdom of their elders and do not mock it. Yes Boomers made mistakes- but we got a lot right as well. Part of getting it right is extending what we've learned to Generation Z, and Millennials. The great depression gave us a post World War II generation of adults determined to give their children everything that they didn't have. Maybe that was a mistake…