How to Face the Days to Come

Message From Rose

King Lemuel’s mother offers the answer to the question of how we are to face the days to come: The woman that his mother offers as an example is not unlike any of us. I was once intimidated by her – I thought I could never be her. However, in time, I did come to recognize her in not only myself, but in all the women I know. She worked, she grocery shopped, she so very often worked into the night, or rose early to get it all in. She earned her own money. She bought land. She was always available to those she loved, and those who were in need in her community were always considered. Think about it ladies, whether you are married or single, with or without children – you are that woman.

But let me ask you something - are you fully what that woman represents? We are told that above all else, she was clothed in strength and dignity and that she could laugh at the days to come. What exactly does that mean?

As women, our plates are full to be sure. Our daily tasks alone are overwhelming at times, but when coupled with the reality of the current state of affairs, all can seem too much to bear. Two weeks ago, I sat in for a national radio host and mentioned my ministry; She Is Called By Him. I talked about our prayer room where one could leave an anonymous prayer request. I have a team of women who pray diligently for each person who leaves a message. Let me tell you – we were bombarded with prayer requests! Financial difficulties, job losses, health concerns, spiritual concerns, concerns for the country, and the future. It didn’t really surprise me to receive such a great response to the invitation. We are all facing some level of difficulty right now. The price of groceries, gasoline, and services are at an all-time high.

Companies are downsizing and people are losing jobs daily. It is a hot mess out there. How can we possibly laugh at the days to come when it takes all our strength not to cry at the days at hand?

So, what does it mean that she laughed at the days to come? How could she possibly? How can we? With the economy as it is, our juggling of family and profession, and the spiritual, we can be overwhelmed - easily. Certainly, the Proverbial woman faced much of the same, yet she could laugh. Women throughout the ages have faced challenges and obstacle to overcome. In that, we are not alone.

It is interesting, though, that the proverbial woman took very seriously all her responsibilities – clearly – so where does the laughter come in? It wasn’t that she didn’t take the future seriously. Rather, she knew who was going to be there in the future with her. And it is the same one who was with her in her present. And that is the Lord.

She is clothed in strength and dignity”: Once the proverbial woman was secure in the knowledge that she was meeting the needs of those she loved, and those in need, (and trust me – her own spiritual needs), she could rest in the Lord. She had done her part knowing that God would do His. Clothed as she was in His strength, she would recognize the very same admonishments we have received; 1 Chronicles 16:11 – “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! Ephesians 6:10 - Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 1 Corinthians 16:13 - Be watchful, stand firm in the faith…” She wasn’t strong on her own, nor can we be. That is an impossible goal. We are only strong when we have sought out the Lord in a matter. When we rely on His strength and recognize His presence, we are then clothed in strength- His strength. The garment comes from Him – not apart from Him. He is the tailor that has fashioned the cloak of strength. Try it on ladies. Take a spin in it in front of the mirror. You are going to look great in it!

When we are truly at a point where we can give the concerns for tomorrow to the Lord and LEAVE them with Him, it is then that we are free to laugh. To be joyous. It really is a revelation into the spiritual realm when we realize we are completely out of control, and He is completely in control. There is a realm where He abides and reigns, and we can take comfort and peace in that. We must put that worry for the future to the side and abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Only then will we be wrapped in strength. And as Oswald Chambers has said in one of his sermons; do it a hundred times a day if you must.

Do it my friend until it is second nature. Until you can be no one else but that woman who laughs because she wears the garment of strength. And it is inside that garment that we are declared dignified.

Isaiah 30:15: “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

Have it Ladies! Have all the quietness and trust in Him that is available to you in abundance.

We can only get through these days and the days to come with the laughter that is the joy of knowing who it is that is really in charge! Hint; It’s not us….


Rose’s 4 th Of July Message


Giving and Receiving Grace Freely