Why Israel Matters

All eyes are turned toward Israel, a relatively tiny country whose entire area is only about 3% of my home state of Texas.


Geographically speaking, nothing makes this little sliver of land particularly desirable, and yet this tiny region has been the center of conflict for millennia.


Why is Israel so special? And why do so many enemies seek to destroy this nation?


One of the biggest reasons is God’s unique relationship with Israel. Israel is the only nation that has God’s promise of endurance. God has not given that promise to any other nation of this world. And because of God’s promise to Israel, Satan has set his sights on Israel from the very beginning—because if Satan can destroy Israel, he can prove that God is incapable of keeping His promises.


Right now, what we are witnessing is a spiritual evil. Just as Satan used men like Pharaoh, Herod, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Hitler to try to annihilate Israel, it is Satan himself who is empowering Hamas and the Iranian rulers to try to wipe Israel from the land, but they will not succeed.


One of the chapter titles in my brand-new book is “What Role Does Israel Play in the End Times?” It’s a question that Christians should know the answer to because that role is extremely important.


I encourage you to read this book in order that you can be assured of what the Bible says will happen in the end times, and you can discuss it with the nonbelievers in your life who are reading today’s headlines and wondering—oftentimes with much fear—what it all means. The book is called Are We Living in the End Times? and you can receive a copy by donating today to the ministry work of Pathway to Victory.


Order your copy here:



Past, present, and future, the tiny nation of Israel carries immense significance and holds a central position in biblical history and prophecy. Let’s continue to pray for its people's protection, provision, and peace. 



Dr. Robert Jeffress


Jesus Is Better
