by | Emma Margason
This post is about simple steps you can take to grow closer to God in college.
If you’re a college student (or anyone with a crazy schedule) and wondering how to pursue and maintain a relationship with God within your busy schedule, you’re not alone.
I think a lot of times we complicate our relationship with God, when it’s simple- He loves us and wants a relationship with us! And building a relationship means putting in the time.
So, how can we make time to spend with God in the midst of our hectic schedules?
Here are some simple steps you can implement today to grow in your relationship with Him:
Whether you have time to spend an hour in the word in the morning, or you continually find yourself running out the door just before class, something we can always do that takes very little time is PRAY.
The moment you wake up in the morning, invite the Lord into your day.
I’ve talked to friends that say even when they do make time for the Lord in the morning (reading their bibles, praying, listening to worship music, etc.), they have a hard time actually thinking about Him throughout the day and letting Him impact the decisions they make. I struggled with this too, and PRAYER changed the game for me.
My heart posture totally changed when I simply started my day praying, “Lord, this is the day that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Use me as You will today. Help me see you in everything. Amen.”
Asking the Lord to open your eyes and ears to what He wants you to see and hear will seriously change your life. Invite Him in and watch Him change your outlook on life.
I recently decided to delete instagram from my phone again (a frequent occurrence in my life🤣), and I’m reminded how freeing it is and how much time I have each day that I waste.
Social media is the first distractor that comes to my mind, but I encourage you to ask yourself- what is distracting you from spending time with the Lord? What do you turn to when you wish you would open your bible or worship or just sit with the Lord?
Practical Tips for this:
set screen time limits, or better yet:
Fast from social media! Delete socials for a day, week, month, and see what the Lord will do with your time.
Say no to one thing this week that is fighting for your attention
Ask for help with something that’s on your plate this week (even if it’s reaching out and asking for prayer over it!)
This is probably the best practical piece of advice I could give when it comes to making time for God- you have to MAKE the time!!
Put it on your calendar like you do any other thing in your day. We put class, work, exercise etc. on our calendars each day because we value them. (Maybe not because we necessarily like them, but because they have some sort of worth in our eyes.)
If we truly value a relationship with God, why would we not give Him a spot on our calendar?
In addition to setting aside time to intentionally spend with God, remember that the bible tells us to pray without ceasing! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Prayer is simply talking to God. It is not reserved for before we eat a meal or when someone is sick. We can pray anytime and at all times!
Pray when you wake up,
pray as you get ready,
pray as you walk from class to class,
pray for your family,
pray for your friends,
pray about your worries,
just tell God what’s on your mind!
And watch as you start to feel closer and closer to Him.
How cool that we have a God that gives us constant access to Him. Don’t overcomplicate it- just talk. He wants to listen.
I pray these tips help you take the next right step in your relationship with God.
How else do you practically prioritize Him in your day-to-day?💬
Post from Simply Emma Laree, a relatable, honest, practical, and and encouraging blog for college students desiring to seek Jesus in the every day.