D3 and Me

By DR. Edmund Sulkowski

Vitamin D is thought to be more of a multifunctional hormone or prohormone than a vitamin and is synthesized by the body when sunlight’s ultraviolet B radiation activates the dormant cholesterol layer that lies directly under the skin. Vitamin D is also delivered via dietary intake from certain foods or supplementation.  Vitamin D enhances various body processes including the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system as well as other metabolic pathways.

Stronger bones, healthy heart, happier mood, better thyroid function, strengthened immune system, lower blood pressure, weight loss, improved brain function, and reduced type 2 diabetes risk all may be some of the benefits of proper amounts of vitamin D3.

Know your base line level with a simple blood test, 25 hydroxyvitamin D, and decide if supplementation is required. Suggested range is 30 to 100 nmol/L with 70 to 85 nmol/L being the suggested sweet spot.

One keynote is vitamin K2 should be taken with vitamin D3 as they work synergistically. As always, discuss this topic with your health care provider before implementation.

Dr Ed

Check out Dr Ed’s Podcast at DrEdShow


Vitamin C and Me