Where are the Gatekeepers in the Schools?

by Amy Krahe

During ancient times, cities had gatekeepers. These were positions where trusted men ensured that what was dangerous was kept out while alerting the civilians to the dangers that lay outside the thick city walls.

The gatekeepers likewise allowed in goods for trading that would benefit the society. This “keeper of the gate” kept order in a civil society. If the gatekeeper lacked alertness and aptitude, it could bring ruin to the entire civilization.

While the last three years gave rise to a closer scrutiny of what was taking place inside our public school system, one thing became unavoidably clear. Our public school districts lack a gatekeeper, charged with keeping out what is dangerous and bringing in what will add value and benefit the students.

Each district in the state receives a percentage of funding from local, state and federal taxes. Districts in wealthy suburban districts receive around 80% of funding from the local taxes, 17% from state and 3% from the federal government. With this breakdown, the logical conclusion would be that the local families are in the position to have the most say in what occurs in their schools. Yet, in reality, families are finding that the exact opposite is occuring. Families are being boxed out from voicing concerns and the state department of education or teachers unions are having full control of the direction of what is implemented.

The role of the school Superintendent would be gatekeeper. And as such, the gatekeeper of the school should be allowing things of value in and keeping out what is harmful, at the very least, scrutinizing if it is the right fit for the school district they preside over. Instead superintendents are little more than middle management, passing along what the executives (Department of Education) order. No longer is the question “Should we implement it?” but “How well can we implement it?”

Students’ education appears to be a continual experimentation, with little to no evidence to show support for the “latest and greatest” curriculum. Critical Race Theory, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Social Emotional Learning, queer theory are the latest in a long line of academic experiments to see what fits into the missing spot of the puzzle. There is no real evidence to show these have or will work. The losers in this experiment are the students. While their education is poked, prodded and toyed with, this generation is losing more and more academic time in place of “soft skills”.

Behavior and Mental Health strategies now take up large chunks of academic time out of the day. In several school districts in Southwestern PA, students are missing classes to instead be taught “mindfulness” and breathing exercises out in the school parking lot on an RV. Instead of core subjects, math, reading, science or social studies; 8th graders are sitting with pillows on a darkened RV and asked to dwell upon their emotional struggles. Teachers are being tasked with yet another responsibility in the classroom to survey each student’s emotional and social strengths and weaknesses four times a year and to flag students that are in need of further support as per the MTSS Tier pyramid model under Social Emotional Learning. Yet, they are losing time for what they were hired to do, teach the basics.

A little over a year ago, teachers taught their students about “resiliency” when facing challenges. In today’s classroom, the mantra is “It’s ok to not be ok”. While parents continue to raise concerns at board meetings all over the state, the administration continues to change language, remaining resolute in pushing through any and all guidelines on SEL and other mandates handed down by the state without even understanding or communicating how it will be implemented in the classroom.

Parents have been duped into believing that someone is standing guard at the gate, securing what enters into their local schools. Sadly, the financial incentive of ESSER Funds and grant money, have bribed the gatekeepers to do their bidding and calls into question their true motives.


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