WEF President, White House NationalSecurity Advisor Announce Comingof A ‘New World Order’

American Faith 5 hours ago

World Economic Forum (WEF) President Børge Brend announced that the globalist group is shifting toward a “new order.”

The previous international order “seems to be not that order anymore. We are on the way to a new order, so we are between orders,” Brend told White House Security Adviser Jake Sullivan,

“Do you agree with that? What are we able to keep on the positive side from the old order to bring into a New World Order?”

“I think of this a little bit more of a transition of eras more than a transition of orders, but the two are kind of cousins of one another,” Sullivan responded.

“The reason I draw the distinction is because I don’t think the international order built after 1945 is getting replaced wholesale with some new order. It will obviously evolve as it has evolved over the decades since 1945.”

“But I do think in a more sharp and distinctive way we are moving into a new era,” he continued. “The post-Cold War era has come to a close. We’re at the start of something new. We have the capacity to shape what that looks like.”

“And at the heart of it will be many of the core principles and core institutions of the existing order adapted for the challenges that we face today.”

The announcement comes as the WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, also said that another Trump presidency may disrupt the globalist agenda.

If a Trump presidency “happens” Harari said, it will be like a “death blow to what remains of the Global Order.”

“It should be clear that many of these politicians present a false binary vision of the world as if you have to choose between patriotism and globalism, between being loyal to your nation and being loyal to some kind of global government or whatever.”


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