Who Can Heal Our Nation?

The Answer May Surprise You

Or nation needs healing. It isn’t just the economy - which is bad, or the frightening high rate of crime, which is really bad. But the sickness in this nation goes deeper. It is in the dark corners that most people will never see. And even though we don’t always see it, we know the darkness exists. It exists in all forms of pornography, child trafficking, sex trafficking, the sacrifice of the unborn child through abortion – the list goes on. 

What concerns me is that we have put most of these atrocities into political categories.  We’ve made everything about politics.  There is a danger in that. The issues that country faces are spiritual more than they are political. Way more!  The Bible has a clear position on each and every one of these issues.

The harm in putting them into political categories is that we will never have healing if they stay there. With the presidential election around the corner, I have heard many say that “their” candidate will fix all of what ails this country. That statement is not only naive, but it actually prevents us from healing. These sicknesses will continue no matter who is in office. They are pervasive. No man or woman can heal this nation. Only God. And God tells us how we can play a part in that healing. I think it’s sad that we want to “hire” someone else to do the job when the responsibility lies entirely with us. 

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we are told;  “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their nation.”

So here it is – the “how to” breakdown. “If my people” clearly this refers only to believers, we are the responsible party here. There is something that “his people” can do – must do. 

Here is what we must do:

  1. Humble ourselves. We are no one and nothing aside from Him. Any righteousness we feel is as “dirty rags”. We are righteous in His eyes only because of what Christ did on the cross for us. He humbled Himself and gave His life for us. The Greek word for humble is defined in this way and it is similar to the Hebrew word; It is the “disposition of evaluating oneself appropriately, especially in light of one’s sinfulness.” We are humble when we understand how God redeemed us through Christ. We are humble when we have the appropriate evaluation of who we really are. We are humble when we remain subordinate to God. We are, as Jesus said in Matthew 10:24, not equal to God. He is so much greater. He is, after all, the creator of all things!

  2. Pray: We are told that prayer plays a part in healing a nation. Prayer is communication with God. As our father, He rejoices in that. It is a time of connection. As parents, do we not love to spend time in conversation with our children? So much more does our heavenly parent desire that with us. 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Prayer -  continuous prayer is the will of God for us.  

    I am so often in communication with God throughout the day that sometimes – and I know this is crazy – but it is true – when I need an answer from Siri I will say; Hey Lord, I mean Siri.  I’m so accustomed to asking Him for revelation and answers that when it is something my iPhone can do for me – I forget that question is for Siri not God. 

    Jesus taught us to pray with The Lord’s Prayer. Confessing sins, acknowledging God, forgiveness towards others, and communication, are all part of prayer.

  3. Seek His face: David said in 1 Chronicles 16:11. “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” With all that we are, we are to desire His presence and look for His blessing.  Face in the bible means the essence or core of a person. That is what you are seeking of the Lord when you seek His face. He wants us to know him. It is His greatest desire.  

  4. Turn from our wicked ways: Ah now this one is interesting! First it is established in 2 Chronicles that “If my people” do these things…  Friends! The suggestion here – no not even a suggestion – the truth here, is that “his people” are walking in wicked ways.  This is so powerful and truly a key to healing a nation.  If we don’t do the proceeding steps – we are  not likely to recognize our wicked ways. Humility, prayer, seeking God’s face leads us to realize that we – even as “his people” are not without sin.  Those wicked ways are hindering not just us – but the pathway to a nation’s healing!  We MUST turn from our wicked ways. We will know and recognize those ways after time in humility, prayer, and in His presence. Then we TURN!!!

If you do this God said He will then do this:

  1. He will hear your prayer

  2. He will answer your prayer

  3. He will heal your nation

That is God’s promise. The question is – can we do this? Can we stop looking or expecting someone else to be the solution to our nation’s problems. It is entirely up to us. No presidential candidate – no spiritual leader.  Just us. 


So That Others Might Live


Who is at the Center of Your Universe?