Blood tests can tell what could be happening in the body at any point in time much like a picture records an action moment. The standard blood tests ordered called a thyroid function test looks for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) and if these are within normal range from low to high the thyroid is considered to be operating within normal limits even though there may be symptoms suggesting disfunction. This range is based on a presumed healthy college age male. The standard test does not look for the amount of available free T3 the hormone the body actually uses. Nor does it look for the nutrients required for not only the manufacture of the various hormones but for the nutrients required for conversion from T4, the dormant inactive hormone, into free T3, the active form. Tests for thyroid anti-bodies are often overlooked.

The following blood tests help determine thyroid function and status.

RT3, FreeT3, Total T3, TSH, Total T4, Free T4, TPO, Thyroglobulin AB

This next group of blood tests help determine hormone production and conversion.

Ferritin, Vit D 25 Hydroxy, Methylmalonic acid, iodine, Selenium, Magnesium,
Progesterone, Estradiol, Cortisol, cholesterol panel, Sex binding hormone

These tests may show how and why the thyroid is functioning and may provide the reasons for experiencing thyroid symptoms even though “within normal limits” were the results of the standard thyroid function blood test. As always, ask you provider for these tests and prior to making any changes.

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