Parent’s Bill of Rights

House GOP Pass ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ Emphasizing Parental Rights in the Classroom

American Faith

On Friday, House Republicans passed an education bill titled the “Parents Bill of Rights,” which places an emphasis on parental rights in the classroom, The Hill reports.

The legislation passed with a 213-208 vote, with five Republicans voting with every Democrat against the bill. 

It will now move on to the Senate for consideration, though it is unlikely that the Democratic-controlled chamber will take up the measure. House Democrats have dubbed the bill the “Politics over Parents Act.”

The bill demands that schools publish their curricula publicly and mandates that parents be allowed to meet with their children’s teachers. 

It also requires schools to provide information to parents when violence occurs on school grounds and a list of books and reading materials accessible at the school library. 


New Amicus Brief: Protecting Parental Speech Rights in School Board Meetings


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